包括 floyd 算法和传递闭包
floyd 算法
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| int dist[maxn][maxn];
void initG() { Set(dist, inf); _rep(i, 1, N) dist[i][i] = 0; }
void floyd() { _rep(k, 1, N) { _rep(i, 1, N) _rep(j, 1, N) { dist[i][j] = min(dist[i][j], dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]); } } }
int main() { initG(); _rep(i, 1, m) { int x, y, z; scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y, &z); d[x][y] = min(d[x][y], z); } floyd(); }
d(i,j) 是 0,1 矩阵, 表示二元关系
d(i,j)=1⇔i,j 有关系
d(i,j)=0⇔i,j 没有关系
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| bool d[maxn][maxn];
void initG() { Set(d, 0); }
void floyd() { _rep(k, 1, n) { _rep(i, 1, n) _rep(j, 1, n) { d[i][j] |= (d[i][k] & d[k][j]); } } }
int main() { _rep(i, 1, n) d[i][i] = 1; _rep(i, 1, m) { int x, y; scanf("%d%d", &x, &y); d[x][y] = d[y][x] = 1; } floyd(); }
d(i,j)=1 表示 (i,j) 之间有约束关系
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| const int maxn = 30; int f[maxn][maxn], G[maxn][maxn]; int deg[maxn]; int n, m; char str[5];
void init() { Set(f, 0); Set(G, 0); Set(deg, 0); }
// == floyd algorithm == void floyd() { _for(k, 0, n) _for(i, 0, n) _for(j, 0, n) { f[i][j] |= (f[i][k] & f[k][j]); } } // == floyd finsihed ==
// == topo sort == void topo(const int t) { queue<int> que; _for(i, 0, n) if(deg[i] == 0) que.push(i); printf("Sorted sequence determined after %d relations: ", t);
while (!que.empty()) { int x = que.front(); que.pop(); printf("%c", (char)('A' + x)); _for(y, 0, n) { if(G[x][y]) if(--deg[y] == 0) que.push(y); } } printf(".\n"); } // == topo finsihed ==
int main() { freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) && n) { init();
bool found = false, fail = false; int t = 0; _rep(i, 1, m) { scanf("%s", str); if(found || fail) continue;
int u = str[0] - 'A'; int v = str[2] - 'A'; G[u][v] = f[u][v] = 1; deg[v]++; floyd();
found = true; _for(u, 0, n) { if(f[u][u]) { fail = true; break; } _for(v, 0, n) { if(v != u && (f[u][v] ^ f[v][u]) == 0) found = false; } } t = i; } if(fail) printf("Inconsistency found after %d relations.\n", t); else if(found) topo(t); else printf("Sorted sequence cannot be determined.\n"); } }
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| const int maxn = 200 + 10; const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; int n, m;
// == Graph definition == int c[maxn][maxn], d[maxn][maxn]; int pos[maxn][maxn]; int ans = inf;
vector<int> path;
void init() { Set(c, inf); _rep(i, 1, n) c[i][i] = 0; Set(pos, 0); ans = inf;
path.clear(); } // == Graph finished ==
// == floyd algorithm == void initFloyd() { Cpy(d, c); }
inline void getPath(int x, int y, vector<int>& path) { if(pos[x][y] == 0) return; getPath(x, pos[x][y], path); path.push_back(pos[x][y]); getPath(pos[x][y], y, path);
void floyd() { initFloyd(); _rep(k, 1, n) { _for(i, 1, k) _for(j, i + 1, k) { if((ll)d[i][j] + c[j][k] + c[k][i] < ans) { ans = d[i][j] + c[j][k] + c[k][i]; //debug(ans);
path.clear(); path.push_back(i); getPath(i, j, path); path.push_back(j); path.push_back(k); } } _rep(i, 1, n) _rep(j, 1, n) { if(d[i][j] > d[i][k] + d[k][j]) { d[i][j] = d[i][k] + d[k][j]; pos[i][j] = k; } } } } // == floyd finsihed ==
int main() { freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); cin >> n >> m;
// build graph init(); _rep(i, 1, m) { int x, y, z; scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y, &z); c[x][y] = c[y][x] = min(c[x][y], z); }
// floyd floyd();
if(ans == inf) { puts("No solution."); return 0; } _for(i, 0, path.size()) printf("%d ", path[i]); printf("\n"); }
特殊情形, F(1×n),A(n×n)⇒F′(1×n)=F⋅A
省略 F 的第一维
∀j∈[1,n], Fj′=k=1∑nFk⋅Akj
Fibn+1=Fibn+Fibn−1 F(n)=(Fibn, Fibn+1)F(n−1)=(Fibn−1, Fibn)
F(n)=F(n−1)⋅A1=⋯=F(0)⋅An F(0)={0,1}
an=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧an−1⋅aan/21n is odd n is even n=0
比如需要计算 7(1010)2, 可以做拆分
对于 an
1 2
| 如果有 a & 1 == 1, 那么这一位就要计入, ans *= a 如果有 a & 1 == 0, 那么只要把 a *= a , 不断底数平方就可以
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| int qpow(int a, int n) { int ans = 1; for(; n; n >>= 1) { if(n & 1) ans *= a; a *= a; } return ans; }
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| const int mod = 10000; int n; const int K = 2;
void mul(int f[K], int A[K][K]) { int c[K]; Set(c, 0);
_for(j, 0, K) _for(k, 0, K) { c[j] = (c[j] + (ll)f[k] * A[k][j]) % mod; } Cpy(f, c); }
void mulself(int A[K][K]) { int c[K][K]; Set(c, 0); _for(i, 0, K) _for(j, 0, K) _for(k, 0, K) { c[i][j] = (c[i][j] + (ll)(A[i][k]) * A[k][j]) % mod; } Cpy(A, c); }
int main() { freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); while (cin >> n && n != -1) { int f[2] = {0, 1}; int A[2][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 1}};
for(; n; n >>= 1) { if(n & 1) mul(f, A); mulself(A); } cout << f[0] << endl; } }
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| const int maxn = 10 + 5; const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; int n, m, t, act, N;
// == board definition == char str[maxn], op[maxn][maxn]; int bd[maxn][maxn], ptr[maxn][maxn]; // == board definition finished ==
// == get hash == inline int _hash(int i, int j) { return (i - 1) * m + j; }
vector<vector<ll> > A[60 + 5]; vector<vector<ll> > F;
void initHash() { N = n * m + 1; _rep(i, 1, 60) A[i].resize(N, vector<ll>(N)); F.resize(1, vector<ll>(N)); F[0][0] = 1; _rep(i, 1, 60) A[i][0][0] = 1; } // == hash finished ==
// == build matrix == void build() { _rep(k, 1, 60) { _rep(i, 1, n) _rep(j, 1, m) { int x = bd[i][j], y = ptr[i][j];
if(isdigit(op[x][y])) { A[k][0][_hash(i, j)] = op[x][y] - '0'; A[k][_hash(i, j)][_hash(i, j)] = 1; } else if(op[x][y] == 'N' && i > 1) A[k][_hash(i, j)][_hash(i-1, j)] = 1; else if(op[x][y] == 'S' && i < n) A[k][_hash(i, j)][_hash(i+1, j)] = 1; else if(op[x][y] == 'W' && j > 1) A[k][_hash(i, j)][_hash(i, j-1)] = 1; else if(op[x][y] == 'E' && j < m) A[k][_hash(i, j)][_hash(i, j+1)] = 1;
ptr[i][j] = (ptr[i][j] + 1) % strlen(op[x]); } } } // == build matrix finished ==
// == calculate == inline void mul(vector<vector<ll> > &A, const vector<vector<ll> > &B) { vector<vector<ll> > ans; ans.resize(A.size(), vector<ll>(B[0].size()));
_for(i, 0, A.size()) _for(j, 0, B[0].size()) { _for(k, 0, B.size()) ans[i][j] = ans[i][j] + A[i][k] * B[k][j]; }
A = ans; }
void solve() { vector<vector<ll> > C = A[1]; _rep(i, 2, 60) mul(C, A[i]);
ll ans = 0; int q = t / 60; for(; q; q >>= 1) { if(q & 1) mul(F, C); mul(C, C); }
int r = t % 60; _rep(i, 1, r) mul(F, A[i]);
_for(i, 0, N) ans = max(ans, F[0][i]); cout << ans << endl; } // == calculate finsihed ==
void init() { Set(ptr, 0); }
int main() { freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); cin >> n >> m >> t >> act;
init(); // get input board _rep(i, 1, n) { scanf("%s", str + 1); _rep(j, 1, m) bd[i][j] = str[j] - '0'; } // get command _for(i, 0, act) scanf("%s", op[i]);
// == input finished ==
// init Hash and build matrix initHash(); build();
// calculate solve(); }
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| const int maxn = 200 + 10; const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; int n, t, s, e, tot = 0;
map<int, int> mp;
// == status definition == struct Mat { int A[maxn][maxn];
void _init() { _for(i, 1, maxn) _for(j, 1, maxn) { A[i][j] = inf; } } } st, ed; // == status finished ==
inline Mat mul(Mat a, Mat b) { Mat c; c._init(); _rep(i, 1, tot) _rep(j, 1, tot) _rep(k, 1, tot) { c.A[i][j] = min(c.A[i][j], a.A[i][k] + b.A[k][j]); } return c; }
void init() { tot = 0; mp.clear(); st._init(); ed._init(); }
int main() { freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); cin >> n >> t >> s >> e; init();
// build Graph while (t--) { int x, y, z; scanf("%d%d%d", &z, &x, &y); x = mp[x] ? mp[x] : (mp[x] = ++tot); y = mp[y] ? mp[y] : (mp[y] = ++tot); st.A[x][y] = st.A[y][x] = z; } Cpy(ed.A, st.A);
// Matrix change n--; for(; n; n >>= 1) { if(n & 1) ed = mul(ed, st); st = mul(st, st); }
cout << ed.A[mp[s]][mp[e]] << endl; }
其实可以做进一步的扩展, 因为加法运算有群封闭性和结合律
同样, min, max 运算也具有结合律
那么诸如路径最大值尽可能小的问题, 也可以写出 floyd 方程
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| const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; const int maxn = 100 + 10;
int n, m, q; int d[maxn][maxn];
void init() { Set(d, 0); _rep(i, 1, n) _rep(j, 1, n) d[i][j] = inf; _rep(i, 1, n) d[i][i] = 0; }
void floyd() { _rep(k, 1, n) _rep(i, 1, n) _rep(j, 1, n) { if(d[i][k] < inf && d[k][j] < inf) { d[i][j] = min(d[i][j], max(d[i][k], d[k][j])); } } }
int main() { freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); int kase = 0; while (scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &q) == 3 && n) { init();
while (m--) { int x, y, z; scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y, &z);
d[x][y] = d[y][x] = min(d[x][y], z); }
// run floyd() floyd();
if(kase > 0) printf("\n"); printf("Case #%d\n", ++kase);
// query while (q--) { int q1, q2; scanf("%d%d", &q1, &q2); if(d[q1][q2] == inf) printf("no path\n"); else printf("%d\n", d[q1][q2]); } } }